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Your Sales Funnel Starts With You

We’ve all heard the term “ideal client”. Well, if you’ve ever done any thought-provoking exercise around determining what makes your customer tick, you’ve more than likely come to the realization that the person you have been chasing all along is YOU.

So, let’s think about this for a minute. How do you like to be courted when it comes to convincing you to buy a product or service? Reflect on the last time you invested in something for your business. Backtrack your steps to see how you landed on the “pitcher’s” website and went through the purchasing process. Now, do this same exercise again. And again. You will soon start to pick up on patterns.

Instead of paying big bucks to companies that specialize in sales funnels (especially if you are just starting out), you can create your own if you simply take some time to sit with your past personal consumer experiences and flesh out what was least desirable during your journey. Identify the “wow” components of those experiences, create the steps to get people to purchase from you (starting with your “why”), and test the funnel on a small group of friends or current customers. The results will surprise (and maybe even pay) you.

Happy funneling!

By N. Renee McFadden


Super Model 360


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